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◎1号 富有独立精神的野心家。
◎2号 性格温柔,喜爱和平,是个感情丰富的浪漫主义.缺点是容易为一点小事就受伤害。
◎3号 洋溢艺术天分,虽然性情令人捉摸不定,但是基本上还是属於受欢迎的一型。
◎4号 严谨认真,凡事都脚踏实地努力耕耘。不过自我意识强烈,不善於和他人协调。
◎5号 脑筋转得很快,拥有适应变化的能力。喜欢追求刺激,难于安於现状。
◎6号 个性温和而且稳重。最大的特色就是不管对任何人,都可以表现得既亲切又宽大。
◎7号 感受力敏锐,非常懂得察言观色。不过缺乏和周围协调的能力,注意不要变得太自我中心。
◎8号 一旦下定决心,便充满干劲全力以赴。这种个性的人朋友多,敌人也多。
◎9号 善解人意,又富有博爱精神。容易感情用事,也容易受到环境左右。
◎10号 意志力坚强,不服输,独立心也十分旺盛。需注意不要流於莽撞行事。
◎11号 性格浪漫又多愁善感,是个肯努力的理想主义者,能够尽情享受丰富的人生。
◎12号 具有华丽高贵的气质,对各种事物都抱有兴趣,常实丰富,教养良好。
◎13号 个性冷静谨慎,即使再细微的细节也能注意到。再加上本性诚实,能得到很多人的信赖。
◎14号 头脑清楚,好奇心旺盛,乐於追求快感,又行事冲动;不可思意的是运气总是很好,很少失败。
◎15号 意志力很强,立定目标後就算遇上任何挫折,都能排除万能达成。通常都很喜欢照顾别人。
◎16号 聪明、做事情有条理,不容易受他人影响,做什么都有自己的一套。
◎17号 平常看起来温和体贴,其实主观很强,有时候会出现大胆行为,另身边的人大吃一惊。
◎18号 性格非常极端,不是意志坚定勇往直前;就是感情用事随波逐流。
◎19号 想像力丰富,有个性又有才华。不过自尊心很强,而且有好强不服输的倾向。
◎20号 是个性喜和平的浪漫主义者。运气虽然不错,但如太任性,会遇上意想不到的挫折。
◎21号 开朗快活,充满活力,到哪里都很有人缘。
◎22号 认真而且责任感很强,只要不刚愎自用,做生意成功的几率很大。
◎23号 挑战心旺盛,学什么都能很快上手。缺点是喜新恋旧,而且欠缺耐性。
◎24号 拥有敦厚慈爱的人品,所以即使个性神经质,遇到低潮期,身边的人都愿意伸出援手。
◎25号 看事情不求深入,随著好奇心行动,到处累计经验。个性独立。崇尚自由。
◎26号 耐压力特强,即使肩头责任重大,也能处理理得稳稳当当,是个实行主义者
◎27号 有个性、感情丰富,拥有应付各种困难的机智,若能掌握时机,成为成功人士的可能很大。
◎28号 韧性很强,拥有战胜困难的力量,这天出生的女性,常给人一种妖艳的印象。
◎29号 人生的道路似乎波折不断,易感情用事不过运气和生命力都很强,必定能够成功,获得幸福。
◎30号 拥有语言文字艺术等天分。缺点是容易沈浸於娱乐,而缺乏责任感。
◎31号 诚实认真很清楚自己的人生目标,能依照自己的信念和原则过一辈子。但个性有些顽固。   

tagged by ah sai n sien!!!!

1.My Name : hocklai
2.My Birthday : 16.11.92
3.Who tagged you : ah sai & yori sien
4.Name 5 best friends : alot leh..uncountable
5.What do you wished for birthday watever la...
6.Happy things that happened recently : Birthday Celebration with all my friends~!
7.Most stressed about recently : mid-year exam n also SPM
8.What is your dream about future : dunno o...
9.Do you have someone you like : got ah....girls and boys also got (friends)
10.Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : of course i will..
11.Most happy to hang out with : my frens n also family lo..
12.If two of your friends were having conflicts :listen to them blow water 1st
13.Where is preferably the place to go with your lover : dunno
14.What to do in Christmas : stay in the house doing ntg
15.Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with : who also can...
16.Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : wake up liao la( but stil sleeping)
17.How many siblings do you have : 5 included me!!
18.Favourite song(Female) :dunno
19.Favourite song(Male) : dunno
20.Favourite Colour : Blue
21.Flush before using the toilets? :if the toilet is smelly i will do so..
22.Love me not? : ...
23.Affectionate to guys or girls : girl?? haha
24.What do you wants to shout out loudly : i very bored!!!
25.Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night? : sure la..
26.Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : wat is WC??
27.Who's the bastard :creator of tis game
28.What's the current affection : get bully from ah sai n yori
29.Sleeps uglily : dunno...
30.Whats the time now : 6.42p.m.
31.Do you hate the person who tagged you : so so la..she is the cutiest
32.Weight : secrete lo..
33.Weather today : damn hot...
34.Are you pregnant : i wont pregnant de lo..@@
35.What will you do if you win a lottery : win hw much 1st??
36.An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : watever..
【People Tagged】[Spreading the bad karma... ...]
1. mei chee
2. hau hui
3. shan
4. juli
5. sihyong
6. yahui
9.jian yang
10.chew yee

01-【Does no.4 know no.6?】: know..
02-【No.10 is a male or?】:girl
03-【 The hobby of no.8】: im nt sure haha..
04-【Does no. 1 have any siblings】: gt two bro...
05-【The surname of of no.7】: teoh..
06-【Does no.10 have alot of friends?】: she gt many frens..
07-【Anyone tackling no.4?】: sure got!
08-【If no.2 is being introduced?】: ....
09-【The favourite colour of no.6】: dunno
12-【Where is no.5 studying currently?】:SMKTP lo..
13-【How do you know no.10?】: in the camp bersepadu...
14-【Whats the difference between the birthmonth of no.1 and you?】: 1 month...
15-【Ever hang out with no.9?】: no b4 haha...
16-【Do you like to chat with no.2?】: okok lo..
17-【Like to be with no.3?】:sure...can blow water with her...hah
18-【How do you think about no.7?】:dunno lo
19-【How do you think about no.9?】: dunno..
20-【Do you love no.5?】: A love from fren,,,

1.Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : ah sai n the carrot lo,...
2.How long have you known him/her : since last year o...
3.Do you think that he/she is important to you? : sure is yes...
4.Your relationship with him/her : erm..kakak angkat??haha
5.Whats his/hers hobby? : bully me
6.What do you think about his/her personality? : very good lo..
7.His/her points of importance in your heart : 9.5over 10 gua...
*1st thing before sleep : dunno
*1st thing after awaking from sleep : get out form my bad lo...
*Your idol : MR OBAMA..(nt the sean liew)haha..
*Favourite season : winter+autumn
*Worked part-time before? : yaya
*Times worked : 2
*Country that wanted to go most : JAPAN
*Personality hated : dunno...
*Are you a crybaby? : nt!!!!
*You laugh alot? : nope..i seldom laugh de..
*Do you like to go out alone? : Nope lo...
*What time you wake up if it was a holiday? : 9..
*Today's weather(Sunny Rainy Cloudy): duno
*Choose between Friends and Lover : Friends
*Choose between Chances and Fates : Fates
*Are you narcissist? : Sometimes.
*Is this questionnaire long? : long ka si...
*How to make yourself feel better every time? : SLEEP
*Favourite food : watever
*Do you like ice? : sure
*Are you full of happiness? : recently is ok la
*Which are the friends that you cared the most? : who also can...
*Whats the most important item in your bed room? : sure is bed
*Most consistent dream at sleep : dunno
*Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : dunno
*Whats the meaning of life? :useless...
*Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): wat i also duno
*When do you hate me? : didnt hate u b4
*Like the day you were born or been into the society?: sure la..
*Like Taoism or Confucianism? : mayb...
*Favourite cake? : duno wor..
*Can we stop this game now? :if can la..
*Do you like sardins? ^^ : okok...
*Who knows you the best? : mostly all of my frens
*IQ higher or EQ? : IQ nEQ also high
*Computer or Mobile Phone : mobile phone for sms, computer for msn
*Prefer to sleep or play? : Sleep~~~~
*Friendster or Facebook? : two also gt...
*Whats your wish right now? : stop this nw!!
*Tired? : sure...
*Favourite drinks : any la...
*What do you think of the humanity and personality of the person who tagged you? : don ask me liao....brain cant function well now..

5S2 new class t-shirts design..

my class mr obama aka harry potter ...
had design a new class t-shirt...
4 our class...
he had draw all my classmate...
let me show u all the photo...

this me!!!

give some comment